User Guide > Adjusting your workspace > Hotkeys

General Hotkeys




Display the help file of Autoplay Menu Designer.

Alt  + F1

Display the about dialog box.

Ctrl + N

Displays the «Create a new project»  dialog box.

Ctrl + S

Saves your project.

Ctrl + O

Displays the «Open project»  dialog box.


Preview the project starting from the current page

Ctrl + F9

Preview the whole project


Build the project

Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Shift + Z



Artboard hotkeys




Sets  focus in the Artboard.    


Hide/show all visible panels at the same time.

Ctrl + Shift + PageUp        

Shows the next sheet in the Artboard.

Ctrl + Shift + PageDown

Shows the previous sheet in the Artboard.

Ctrl + Tab

Switch between the last two sheets

Ctrl + Ins, Ctrl + С

Copies the selected objects to the clipboard.    

Shift + Ins, Ctrl + V

Paste the clipboard content into the current page.

Shift + Del, Ctrl + X

Cuts the selected objects to the clipboard.  

Ctrl + D            

Duplicate the selected object in the Artboard.  


Deletes the selected object.                    

Ctrl + Home

(Bring to Front)

Bring the object all the way to the front of the stack.

Ctrl + End

(Send to Back)

Send the object all the way to the back of the stack.

Ctrl + PageUp

(Forward one)

Bring the object forward one step in the stack.      

Ctrl + PageDown

(Back one)

Send the object back one step in the stack.          

Ctrl + Shift + H

Show or hide hidden objects on the Artboard.

Shift + Ctrl + plus key

Zoom in the Artboard.                  

Shift + Ctrl + minus key

Zoom out the Artboard.

Shift + Ctrl + 1      

Sets an actual zoom size in the Artboard.

Ctrl + Alt + G

Show grid lines

Ctrl + Shift + G

Snap to grid lines

Ctrl + H

Show/Hide object

Ctrl + G

Group objects

Ctrl + U

Ungroup objects